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更新时间:2013-09-25 11:36:23    录入:longman    点击:636次

1. as well, as well as

  as well也,常放于句末,和and连用表示既…又;as well as并列连词,不但…而且…

He is a professor, and a writer as well.



2. such…as, such…that

  such…as像…样的,such…that如此…以至于 He is not such a fool as he looks like.

He is such a good student that all the teachers like him.



3. because, because of

  because连词,连接两句话,because of介词短语,后接词或短语

He didn't go to school because of his illness.



4. in order that, in order to

  表目的,in order that后接句子,in order to后接动词原形

I got up early in order to catch the first bus. I got up early so that I could catch the first bus.



5. for example, such as

  for example一般只列举一个,such as列举多个例子

I have been to a lot of American cities, such as New York, Atlanta and Chicago.



6. used to, would

  表过去常常,和现在相对应用used to,不提现在用would

I used to get up early, but now I don't.



7. All right. That's all right. That's right.

  All right. That's all right. 当好吧解时,可以替换;当不客气,没关系解时只能用

That's all right. That's right. 那是对的 ---Sorry. --- That's all right.



8. such…that, so…that


但名词前面如果有many, much, little, few修饰用so…that,不用such that

  so many people that… such a lovely boy=so lovely a boy



9. so + be (have, can, do)+主语, neither(nor) + be (have, can, do)+ 主语

  也一样,肯定用so…否定用neither (nor) ---I can't play tennis. ---Nor can I.



10. Shall I…? Will you…?  Shall I…? 征求对方意见或向对方请示,意为我能…吗?

     Will you…?请求或建议对方做某事,意为你愿意…吗?

Will you help me? Yes, I will.

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