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更新时间:2018-04-04 12:40:19    来源:朗文国际英语    录入:admin    点击:95次

As times change, so do social norms for personal and professional behavior, but that doesnt mean basic etiquette doesnt matter. Performance and quality are important, too, of course, but not exclusively. We sometimes forget that business is about people. There is no shortage of competent and reliable people in the business world and manners can make the difference. Wouldnt you rather collaborate with, work for or buy from someone who has high standards of professional behavior?


Many, but not all, of us follow these 15 time-tested rules of better behavior. Do you?


1. When in doubt, introduce others


Always introduce people to others whenever the opportunity arises, unless you know that they are already acquainted. It makes people feel valued, regardless of their status or position.


2. A handshake is still the professional standard


Not only does this simple gesture demonstrate that youre polite, confident and approachable, it also sets the tone for any potential future professional relationship. In a very casual work atmosphere, you might be able to get away with a nod or a hello, but its worth it to make the extra effort to offer your hand.



3. Always say Please and Thank you.


This should go without saying, but even in a casual professional atmosphere, this basic form of courtesy is still imperative. Today, sending a thank you e-mail is perfectly acceptable, but a handwritten than you note is always a nice touch.



4. Dont interrupt


Weve become a nation of over-talkers, so eager to offer our own opinions or press our point that we often interrupt others mid-sentence. It can be tongue-bitingly difficult to force ourselves not to interject, especially when the discussion is heated. Dont. Its rude and shows disrespect for the opinions of others. Remember, be assertive, not aggressive.



5. Watch your language


Verbal and written communications are often much less formal than in times past, but be careful to choose your words wisely. Of course, derogatory, rude or offensive language is unacceptable, but so is slang. While it may be commonplace in our society, its never acceptable in a professional atmosphere.


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